Sunday, May 07, 2006

Tadaaaaa.... my new scraproom!!

I'm so happy!! Well... it's not even finished yet, but I SO LOVE my new scraproom. With a million thanx to my sweet sweet Arjan, ho helped me finishing this! I was so sick of the cleaning, painting and more cleaning... he just did so much, as usual....

Well... And look at it!! Can a girl be anymore happy??
And did you notice the red 'trip-trap' chair just beside my chair?? Yes Sanne also likes my new room a lot! She just sit next to me and she paints & glues and has fun!!

And ofcourse I've some more pics to share. Let's see if blogger is willing to upload today:)

ok, it's not working as I want to: visit all my pics at:

And any advice on another properly working blog is o so welcome :)
