Monday, May 15, 2006


YES. I'm on the Design Team of Memory Lane Scrapbooking!! YAHOOOOOOOOOOOO. Met Daniëlle Fridaynight. I really did try to post Friday... but blogger just doesn't love me anymore. I'm trying again now, and if it fails again, I'LL CHOOSE ANOTHER BLOG. So you little blogger-man behind the buttons... you're worned!

Daniëlle is so nice, sweet, relaxed and fun to talk to. We connected so good. We just both couldn't stop talking (or was it me LOL...). It was kinda late but a fun night! I'm really looking forward to work with Daniëlle, Angelique and Martine in the DT!!

I'm hoping to upload my latest lo about my OBSESSION for Ben&Jerry's icecream. The just did not have to invent that. This is serious the beginning of the end for me. I just simply CANNOT resist it.. Yes I know... I'm weak.....

Love, Rev