Sunday, January 15, 2006

we're getting there!

Since monday we have the key to our new home. But there is a lot to be done. That's why i'm here, typing (LOL) and my boyfriend is breaking out walls....Well, a girl's got to do, what a girl's got to do...!
The family who lived in this home before us were not the clean kind... They left the refrigerator (parden my English...) and I think rats could live in it.. YEAAAKKKHHH. So that's in the dumper now. Today we complete the breaking out and off of things. By tomorrow we start rebuilding our palace. Everything has to be painted (walls, ceilings, window-side things..). So a lot of work has to be done. We have our own company so I probably try to take a few weeks of. And get my hands dirty also. Yes, I'm not that kind of a princess, you know. I like to work. So the painting will be my part. Starting tomorrow evening. So I'm enjoying my 'free time' now and go on make another scrapbookpage. Cya
O, and another mentionable thing: our little Sanne, 2,5 years old, peas for a month or 2 on the potty. She didn't poop on it yet. Yesterday i was cleaning house (yes... I do clean) and she was running around in her knickers (as usual... why you need clothes??). Suddenly I heard her laughing and giggling in the bathroom (al downstairs for us). She called me: LOOK MUMMY!!! I pooped!! So I went and look in the potty. Disappointed I said: no you didn't I don't see any poop. NO she said enthousiasticly! Look!! And she pointed to the toilet. She already throw her poop in the toilet. And there it was. Floating happily around. A little girl poop. LOVE that poop. We laughed and clapped our hands. How can you be so happy after a bit of poop right? Well, I think it was so cool she just went al by herself and thought: I'm going to poop on the potty. And she did!'. So now I try to keep her out of her diapers at home. We'll see how it goes!