Wednesday, May 31, 2006

i simply

LOVE my little girl so incredibly much...!!! Love this pic of us. She just loves to cuddle lately. Well, not lately, she was always kissing, hugging and cuddling. And I so enjoy her! She's the sweetest little thing on earth, for sure :). Today I went to work and she stayed with Mandy at her house. At 17.00 I picked her up. We went home and she immediately started to hug and kiss me and said: "Ooooo I missed you mommy!!!". This is the first time she really said that to me!! I just had tears in my eyes!! My little precious one. Ofcourse I miss her lots when I'm of to work. But I guess it's better for her if mommy is not around her 24/7 if you know what I mean.....


Sunday, May 28, 2006

made the cutest little

mini booklet out of ordinary coasters!!! Had so much fun making this little booklet! Just kept it really simple, as usual :).

The pages are about the birth: date, time, weight, stone, horoscope, flower etc etc. All stuff you can easily find on the internet!!

Furthermore being very very busy at Artifex Support, so less time for my blog and other fun scrapbooking things ;). But trying to catch up!!

Hope to post more pics on 2peas tomorrow!

Monday, May 22, 2006


These are being published in the next issue of ScrapAmore!! I can't post them at 2peas, but was allowd to post them on my blog!! I so love these lo's!! Especially the one: Spijker versus Spiky. The journaling is in Dutch. "Spijker" means 'nail' in English. And Spiky is the dog of the neigbour and sounds exactly like 'nail' in Dutch. The stair of the dollhouse of Sanne was broken. I glued it together but it didn't hold very well. So Arjan said: "I will put a nail trough it, so it will be more solid". And Sanne responded: Spiky (because nail = spijker in Dutch and she misunderstood Arjan), Spiky is only going to lick very hard daddy!!. haha. And you should have seen the look on her face!!

So sshhhhhhhhhhhhh don't tell, but these 2 will be published in September... So I have to wait a long time before posting them on 2peas! But hey, I could show 'm here, that's something right :) Love Revlie

Monday, May 15, 2006


YES. I'm on the Design Team of Memory Lane Scrapbooking!! YAHOOOOOOOOOOOO. Met Daniëlle Fridaynight. I really did try to post Friday... but blogger just doesn't love me anymore. I'm trying again now, and if it fails again, I'LL CHOOSE ANOTHER BLOG. So you little blogger-man behind the buttons... you're worned!

Daniëlle is so nice, sweet, relaxed and fun to talk to. We connected so good. We just both couldn't stop talking (or was it me LOL...). It was kinda late but a fun night! I'm really looking forward to work with Daniëlle, Angelique and Martine in the DT!!

I'm hoping to upload my latest lo about my OBSESSION for Ben&Jerry's icecream. The just did not have to invent that. This is serious the beginning of the end for me. I just simply CANNOT resist it.. Yes I know... I'm weak.....

Love, Rev

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I am

dying here, but I just ran 30 minutes!!! Well I"m so proud! Haha, well I actually ran for 2 minutes, and then walked for 2 minutes (but walking I was walking hard!). After 15 minutes my head was feeling like a big red tomato but I just kept going, nowing I should make the 30 minutes (got this schedule of the internet...). So thursday I will go againg, and I'll try to keep up with the schedule! I so want to sport active, but I hate sportschool (although it's across my street...). It's to crowdy for me I guess. This really felt great. I was just thinking about scrapbooking and well uuhhhh scrapbooking ideas, scrapbooking supplies haha. Just 30 minutes my mind for myself! Hope I will continue to do this for a long time. This felt good!!!

I finished 2 new lo's this weekend. One is for my BOM. The subject was 'friends'. The journaling is in Dutch but it's about my best friend Mi-Sun. She was getting married in september 2005 and in august we had here bachelor(ette?) party. We were in a restaurant and they were playing 80's music (my favourite!!). They start playing WHAM, and I just couldn't help myself but get up (in the middle of a restaurant, people nice and quietly eating, see the picture LOL) and starting to dance wildly. And I didn't drink because I was the one that drove that night! So I was dancing and having fun by myself. I reached for Mi-Sun's hand, and she did get up also and starting to dance with me! We had such a blast. And it worked for the other guests too, because within minutes ALL the people were standing up and dancing. It was like everybody was feeling a big relieve, and get some energy from us! The only people who didn't like my fun idea were the waitresses.... well.... their problem, LOL. So this pic brings back a lot of good and fun memories to me!

The other one is Sanne having fun with herself, as usual LOL. She was just walking by the mirror. With her hat and scar on (well... that's normal when it's hot outside, you go inside and dress like this :). She was playing wither her facial expressions, and it was sooo cute. Have tons of pictures, but this one is the best. Explore yourself my little princess... explore yourself!!

Well... full of ideas I'm off scrapbooking! Have a great evening & night! (especially for Michelle who doesn't need any sleep :P

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Tadaaaaa.... my new scraproom!!

I'm so happy!! Well... it's not even finished yet, but I SO LOVE my new scraproom. With a million thanx to my sweet sweet Arjan, ho helped me finishing this! I was so sick of the cleaning, painting and more cleaning... he just did so much, as usual....

Well... And look at it!! Can a girl be anymore happy??
And did you notice the red 'trip-trap' chair just beside my chair?? Yes Sanne also likes my new room a lot! She just sit next to me and she paints & glues and has fun!!

And ofcourse I've some more pics to share. Let's see if blogger is willing to upload today:)

ok, it's not working as I want to: visit all my pics at:

And any advice on another properly working blog is o so welcome :)


Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Fun new project!!

I just finished this cool fun project, well if I say so myself :). The other day at work I almost through out an empty book for business cards. As I saw it I thought this is a cool 'album' for Sanne's ABC I wanted to make some time! So went home and couldn't wait to get started with it! I just had enough room for all the letters of the alphabet. O well... I left out the Q. But that's all ok! :)

The name of the company who gave it to me was on top. So I put some super cool 7gypsies tape over it. Heidi Swapp mask on bazzill and glued it on the cover. Also some yummy ribbon, tag, prima and the altering was done :). The book was black already.

I made the pages in one style. So once I figured out what and how I wanted to make them, the whole making process was finished in 2 evenings. Yahoooooo love does quick and cool projects. Haha, can I be any more happier with myself :)

So the interior pages look like this:

Well... blogger is not wanting me to upload any more pictures.... have to find out what is wrong. So I leave you with this.... Hope to upload some more tomorrow :)
