I was tagged! Help. What is that???
I was tagged by my new (scrap-blog)friend Birgit with these funny questions. Like her, I also never have been tagged so I’m having fun answering all the questions.
The rules for this particular tagging are as follows:Remove the blog name in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add yourself to the bottom slot.
1. Ruth
2. Peg
3. Karen
4. Birgit
5. Revlie
Then you get to select five people to pass the love on to (well I've randomly selected some peas who have praised me (thanx for that!), and some nice girls who have left a comment on my blog (also thanx for doing that!).... I'm only new to this game ;-p, don't shoot me right ahead...)
1. Rachel
2. Florence
3. Karlyn
4. Marmot (Mara)
5. Katpost
Now, on to the questions!
What were you doing 10 years ago? Well... uuuhh... i’m not thát old ;-). 10 years ago I was 21 years old and I was working at a publishing firm on the Human Resources Department as an Personal Assistant. I worked fulltime, was going out every weekend and get drunk (shame!!!) and was having a great time. I was living together with my boyfriend Arjan. We lived in a sort of mobile home and in the Netherlands is illegal to live there fulltime (it's ok for vacations, but not for fulltime all year long). Well.... we lived there for almost 8 years and now my mother- and father-in-law are renting it from us. Arjan and I are 15 years together this year!!
What were you doing one year ago?One year ago I was running my business as I’m doing now, only then I had to fire 2 people who didn’t work like they should... One just thought she didn’t like the job and called in sick. Well, she messed with the wrong person I must say ;-). And the other one thought it would be great just to have some documents of our company at home... well need I say more? Furthermore I was enjoying my little girl who was 1,5 years old at the time. And we were already thinking about another home because we don’t have a garden... That is solved, see my previous post ...
Five snacks you enjoyOnly 5??? Okay, number one Chocolate. Especially Cote d’Or, but any kind will do if i’m in need. Icecream, all flavors but especially Ben&Jerry’s, Nuts, all kind....., drop (a typical Dutch candy, can’t find the right word for it, something liqorish???), chocolate chip cookies .............. JUMMY i want some now!!
Five songs, to which you KNOW all the lyrics”Not that Kind” – Anastacia
”Ik wou dat ik jou was” – Veldhuis & Kemper (Dutch artist)
”She is the one” – Robbie Williams (well, almost all of his songs...)
”Ironic” – Alanis Morrissette (well, almost all of her songs to...)
”Let it be” - KANE (Dutch artist)
Five things you would do, if you were a millionaireGo on a really long vacation!!! As a business owner you don’t take a lot of time of and that is something I miss a lot! Furthermore buy a new house and let do someone else do allllll the work!! And ofcourse shop shop shop shop shop.
Five bad habitsWell, I’m a little bit unpatience....I don’t like housework, but that is solved: we have a cleaning lady and she is obsessed with cleaning so that’s nice: I'm making actually somebody happy, LOL, I can be easily irritated by ignorant people, sometimes I bite my nails. I know: it’s grose, but when i’m stressed out I do it automatically.
Five things you like doingPlaying and spending time with Sanne, my 2,5 year old. She is so full of live and joy. I’m always having fun with her. Scrapbooking!!! And buying scrapbooksupplies!!!, reading, going out to dinner and to the clubs/bars (spend time with friends) ;-)
Five things you would never wear, buy, or get new againWoolen sweaters (they DO itch eventhough the saleswoman sais it does not...), to small shoes because they look more cute (eventhough I have size 38, which is small/normal in Holland), badingsuits: it makes you look bigger than big ;-), hats, i look totally dorky in them, funky panty’s because I buy them and then don’t wear them. It makes me look like a charicature of Pippi Langstocking ;-)
Five favorite toysWell, if people count to: Sanne & Arjan, my scrapbooksupplies, my computer, my digital camera, my camera and my photoprinter (uuuhhh: lot of scrapbooking here??)
Well, that's all for today's post. Cya,